Floaties for krakens

a podcast about the monsters in your head, but reclaiming them instead.

The monster’s origin story…

The curious world of mental health is a conflicting topic for many. Some are adamant about highlighting the importance of our brains such as kind doctors during yearly visits or creative artists crafting gentle reminders upon laptop stickers. While this sentiment should always be praised, the unfortunate truth is that a majority of individuals are not as privileged to speak on the subject, let alone to fully allow themselves to feel anything.

Growing up as a second-generation Mexican-American, the discussion of mental health was not as common as the soft tortillas in our pantry or the rolled “r’s” caressing our tongues. There were bills to be paid, machismo ideals to uphold, and a sense of “normalcy” to maintain in a complex system. In a sense, our livelihoods were not built to cater to broken brains and emotionality; we were not privileged enough to feel. However, growing up, the safest I felt communicating my mentality was through the guise of monsters.


Back in 2019, I began my ethnographic research on the breathtaking legend of La Llorona (The Weeping Woman). This Mexican legend was filled to the brim with heartache, petrifying hauntings, and the betrayal of a broken spirit that would never be avenged.

Through exploring the impacts of this legend on my family, I began to realize that this narrative served more than just a cautionary tale. This narrative served as a chance for my family to finally express how the monster was feeling; how we all have been feeling for centuries. Four years later, Floaties for Krakens was born.

Floaties for Krakens is a podcast:

All about the monsters in our head but reclaiming them instead.

Through a variety of personal interviews, folklore research deep dives, and the fascinating complexities of monsters, this podcast aims to help human beings find the beauty in the “monstrous”. Each episode will involve a folklore exploration through research and interviews with an individual(s) on the monster that has played a massive impact in their lives, whether that be a comic book character or a video game nightmare. Much like the podcast title entails, the goal of this project is to create safe spaces of communication for monsters to ask for help; for us to ask for help.